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Applying for a Stall for Shipston Food Festival 2025

Please complete and submit the form below to apply for a stall.  You should receive an acknowledgment of your application within 3 days, but this is not confirmation of a place until you have made your payment as per the invoice.  Payment details will be provided on confirmation that we have reserved a stall for you, and the fee should be paid as soon as possible after this.  Acknowledgements will be sent by email at each stage.  We reserve the right to refuse applications without explanation.

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Application Form 2025
Please complete and submit this form to apply for a stall at the Shipston Food Festival 2025 

We will try to focus on a broad range of stalls, but will do this on a first come first accepted basis wherever possible.

Standard market stalls with table and canopy are £80 each, erected and dismantled for you.  If you want your own van/gazebo/rig, we are charging £80 for each 3m length or part thereof.  Please help us by making it clear exactly what you want

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